Transparent Perovskite Solar Cell
The objective of the project is to develop large-area semi-transparent 6 inch durable perovskite photovoltaic modules with power conversion efficiency (PCE) over 13%. The modules can be directly used as building units. Moreover, they can be stacked with silicon solar cells for an expected PCE over 18% and approaching 25%. The project has a stable foundation in reliable co-operations established between the partners earlier, partly in the framework of a previous successful M-ERA.Net program. Co-operation in CLEARPV actively utilizes sample exchange, student exchange, and scientific visits. The PIs have jointly organized a very successful Perovskite Workshop as a satellite event of the international SIWAN 2018 conference.
The project has just finished its second year, and has produced some impressive results already. It was demonstrated that the incorporation of potassium ion into the perovskite precursor and using dipolar ion post-treatment to perovskite film can efficiently reduce the open-circuit voltage loss and thus improve the large band-gap devices performance to 15.34% Promising experiments are running to replace the semiconductor used as hole transporting layer, and an upscaling technology was demonstrated for manufacturing of semi-transparent perovskite solar cell and modules. Slot die coating process has been developed and implemented for cells and modules manufacturing. sALD has been developed and implemented for ETL-BL processing. The performance of the perovskite solar cells produced on 6 in. × 6 in. substrates using newly developed processes was higher than the performance of the reference devices produced on 3 cm × 3 cm substrates by spin coating The CLEARPV consortium has published 8 peer-reviewed papers in the first two years of the project in high visibility journals including ACS Applied Energy Materials, ACS Omega, Advanced Functional Materials and Nano Energy. In addition, 19 conference publications were presented and 2 patent applications filed.

Project Details
Publication date | 2020/01/30 |
Call Topic | Innovative Surfaces, Coatings and Interfaces (Call 2016) |
Duration in months | 36 |
Partners |
Total project cost | 620000 EUR |
Contact | Department of Materials Science and Engineering, National Taiwan University
1, Roosevelt Road Sec. 4, CEDEX 106, Taipei, Taiwan Prof. Wei-Fang SuEmail: Phone: +886-2-3366-4078 |