High photoconductive oxide films functionalized with GeSi nanoparticles for environmental applications - PhotoNanoP
The project proposes a new solution for obtaining a new advanced material with targeted photoconductive (PHC) properties. The goal is to obtain oxide films (TiO2, SiO2) functionalized with GexSi1-x nanoparticles (NPs), photosensitive in the 0.6-1.2 μm spectral range (called PHCGeSi films). For proving the project concept, we fabricated an optical sensor-like as demonstrator, based on PHCGeSi films, that is able to evaluate slippery road conditions by spectrally discriminating between dry, wet and icy asphalt.
The innovative results achieved in the project are: •functionalized oxide films with GexSi1-x NPs that are able to control the spectral range of sensitivity by engineering NPs sizes, composition and concentration; •modelling of PHC properties for predicting the spectral sensitivity with a feedback to the structure and morphology of films; •fabrication of PHCGeSi film-based demonstrator with the targeted PHC properties. At present, for evaluating different slippery road conditions, InGaAs and Si photodetectors (comercial) are used. The PHCGeSi films have advantages of the sensitivity beyond λ>1.1 μm Si edge, environmentally friendly and raw materials and technology are less expensive than current photodetectors. During the project, the partners have published 7 ISI papers (and other 2 are ready for submission), a patent application (and other one in preparation) and 11 oral presentations at prestigious international conferences and symposia, from which we highlight the following:
- A.-M. Lepadatu, A. Slav, C. Palade, V.S. Teodorescu, M. Enculescu, S. Iftimie, S. Lazanu, M.L. Ciurea, T. Stoica, Sci. Rep. 8, 4898 (2018);
- M.T. Sultan, A. Manolescu, J.T. Guðmundsson, K. Torfason, G.A. Nemnes, I. Stavarache, C. Logofatu, V.S. Teodorescu, M.L. Ciurea, H.G. Svavarsson, Appl. Surf. Sci. accepted for publication in 2018;
- Stavarache, V.A. Maraloiu, C. Negrila, P. Prepelita, I. Gruia and G. Iordache, Semicond. Sci. Technol. 32, 105003 (2017);
- Patent application OSIM nr. A 00069/09.02.2017 (and other 1 is finished and ready for registration)

Project Details
Publication date | 2020/09/02 |
Call Topic | Functional Materials Focusing on Sensors (Call 2014) |
Duration in months | 36 |
Partners |
Funded by | |
Total project cost | € 601,800 |
Contact | National Institute of Materials Physics
Atomistilor 405A, Ilfov County, Romania National Institute of Materials PhysicsEmail: ciurea@infim.ro |
Link to ERA-LEARN | View on ERA-LEARN website |