Research, Development and characterization of a TunAble Graphene liGht Emitting hybrid MOEMS Device - TAGGED

Project summary

High performance solid-sate light sources are critical components in many MOEMS and have been the subject of much research in recent years. With the advent of graphene and thanks to its superior physical properties, a new field of research has been opened up for exploiting graphene properties for various applications. We aim to employ light emission properties of graphene when it is electrically biased, coupled with an electrostatically actuated substrate to develop a light source with tunable wavelength and intensity. A graphene layer is suspended over a substrate that can be positioned, allowing fine adjustment of its distance to the graphene layer, hence tuning the reflected light and its interferences with respect to wavelength and intensity. Such precisely engineered tunable light sources can provide a broad optical bandwidth and advance the spectral resolution in a variety of domains including spectroscopic measurements to investigate wavelength-dependent properties of materials.

Project Details


Call 2020

Call Topic

Functional materials

Project start


Project end


Total project costs

1.025.388 €

Total project funding

979.407 €


2 - 4


Dr. Nooshin Saeidi

Fraunhofer ENAS, Technologie Campus 3, 09126 Chemnitz, Germany

Partners and Funders Details

Consortium Partner   Country Funder
Fraunhofer ENAS
Research org. Germany DE-SMWK
J. Heyrovsky Institute of Physical Chemistry
Other Czech Republic CZ-TACR
Institute of Electronic Materials Technology
Research org. Poland PL-NCN
TU Bergakademie Freiberg
University Germany DE-SMWK


graphene, optical technologies, microfabrication, advanced processing technologies, model-driven processing, Graphene light emission, Tunable light source