Spectroscopy of Spin Waves In Perovskite Excited states - SWIPE

Project summary

Today’s best spin-based computing devices are still plagued by large power consumption because charge currents are needed to modify magnetic states. To fully exploit spintronics, we need to process, transport and store information without using charge currents. The SWIPE project will pioneer a new route using spin waves (magnons) to carry signals over long distances. We will focus on antiferromagnetic (AFM) spin waves, which are fast and impervious to perturbations, but harder to control. Our key proposal is to use lattice vibrations (phonons) to control AFM magnons: Acoustic phonons can generate and propagate signals. Optical waves can couple to electronic and magnetic excitations, and modify the magnon properties. The key advantage of spin waves is their interface with nonvolatile magnetic states, which enables ultralow power information and communication technology. A second important front is sensors and actuators, made exquisitely sensitive and efficient with magnonic devices.

Project Details


Call 2020

Call Topic

Functional materials

Project start


Project end


Total project costs

1.117.061 €

Total project funding

744.722 €


1 - 3


Prof. Dr. Matthieu Verstraete

University of Liege, allee du 6 aout, 19 B5a Physics, 4000 Liege, Belgium

Partners and Funders Details

Consortium Partner   Country Funder
University of Liege
University Belgium BE-FNRS
University of Luxembourg
University Luxembourg LU-FNR
Research org. France FR-ANR


magnetic materials, spectroscopy, multiscale materials modeling, functional materials, thin films, antiferromagnetism, resonant Raman