Design and Optimisation Open Innovation HUB for Composites Modeling and Design - DeeMa

Project summary

Objectives: The project will develop a data-driven computational approach and open innovation platform for composite materials modelling and simulation. At the heart of DeeMa project are the concepts of i) integration of materials knowledge (ontologies), ii) automating routine design activities (interoperability), iii) integration of physical and data driven models (digital twin), iv) Design (inverse problems) and uncertainty and sensitivity analysis (Bayesian approach) and v) Develop a constitutive manifolds to accelerate material design. Potential applications: The outcome of this project is expected to extend research scope in both mechanics and data sciences and demonstrate the prototype of a platform enabling integrated design of novel composite materials. Impact and potential benefits: The tangible benefits of the DeeMa ecosystem and platform will be captured by the industry and especially Small and Medium-sized Enterprises (SMEs).

Project Details


Call 2020

Call Topic

Modeling for materials engineering and processing

Project start


Project end


Total project costs

1.363.987 €

Total project funding

1.017.430 €


2 - 5


Dr. Salim Belouettar

Luxembourg Institute of Science and Technology , 5 Avenue des Hauts-Fourneaux, 4362 Esch-sur-Alzette, Luxembourg

Partners and Funders Details

Consortium Partner   Country Funder
Luxembourg Institute of Science and Technology
Research org. Luxembourg LU-FNR
Czech Technical University in Prague
University Czech Republic CZ-TACR
e-Xstream Engineering
Large industry Luxembourg No Funding
SME Czech Republic CZ-TACR


computational simulation, computer-aided design, computational material engineering, data-driven modeling, design optimisation, interoperability