Ceramics with sensing capabilities for high temperature applications - CENTAUR

Project summary

CENTAUR aims to develop a family of functional materials based on oxide ceramic matrix composites (CMC) that are reinforced with oxide ceramic fibres and carbon nanostructures. The new material is provided with integrated sensing capabilities and can be produced by 3D printing methods, which enables inline continuous reinforcement while controlling fibre’s orientation. The thermo-mechanical and durability properties are improved (fracture tough, thermal shock resistant, quasiductil, corrosion-resistant), with a lower density (e.g. than Ni superalloys). The material can be used as primary structure in high temperature applications (withstanding temperatures up to 1350°C) for online and non-invasive process inspections, such as structural health monitoring. Two functional prototypes for the aerospace and automotive sectors will be produced and validated at TRL4, including an improved software for modelling the mechanical properties and further optimize mechanical and sensing performance.

Project Details


Call 2019

Call Topic

Functional materials

Project start


Project end


Total project costs

1.716.628 €

Total project funding

1.433.170 €


3 - 4


Prof. Dr. Daisy Nestler

Technical University of Chemnitz, Reichenhainer Str. 31/33, 09017 Chemnitz, Germany

Partners and Funders Details

Consortium Partner   Country Funder
Technical University of Chemnitz
University Germany DE-SMWK
Luxembourg Institute of Science and Technology
Research org. Luxembourg LU-FNR
Technical University of Liberec
University Czech Republic CZ-TACR
POLPUR, spol. s r.o
Large industry Czech Republic CZ-TACR


advanced multifunctional materials, ceramic matrix, composite materials, fibre reinforced composites, lightweight composites, high temperature