Novel materials as electrode and electrolyte components in fuel cell technology - C-MOF.cell

Project summary

Global concern over climate change related with the emission of hazardous chemical species together with high global demand for energy have led to an increase in the development of technologies related with renewable energy sources. In this scenario, it urges the development of new materials/technologies for the sustainable production and storage of energy, improving their efficiency, durability and environmental compatibility while decreasing their cost. The C-MOF.cell project aims to develop novel functional advanced materials for proton-exchange membrane fuel cells that are efficient, affordable and robust in a broader range of operating conditions than can be achieved with current materials. Specifically: novel non-precious metal catalysts for oxygen reduction reaction will be prepared to replace costly Pt in the cathode, while proton-conductive membranes based on Metal-Organic Frameworks will be developed as highly stable electrolyte.

Project Details


Call 2019

Call Topic

Functional materials

Project start


Project end


Total project costs

748.671 €

Total project funding

475.610 €


2 - 4


Dr. Patricia Horcajada

IMDEA Energy, Avda. Ramón de la Sagra, 3, 28935 Móstoles, Spain

Partners and Funders Details

Consortium Partner   Country Funder
IMDEA Energy
Research org. Spain ES-AEI
University of Tartu
University Estonia EE-ETAG
Universidad de La Laguna
University Spain ES-AEI
CNRS DR Occitanie Est
Research org. France FR-ANR


advanced functional materials, carbon based materials, catalysis, fuel cell, Metal-Organic Frameworks