Multiscale Modeling and Design of Photo-Electrochemical Interfaces - MuMo4PEC

Project summary

We propose an innovative, multi-scale modeling and simulation approach in order to investigate photo-electrochemical (PEC) interfaces. This will pave the way towards targeted design and fabrication of PEC interfaces with advanced properties and performance. It is the first time that four levels of theory from atomistic to continuum level are combined for PEC interfaces and that electrochemical data will be simulated that can be directly compared to experimental data. Hence, we bridge theory and experiment. The kinetic parameters (intrinsic and extrinsic) as well as the structure and the dynamics of the solid-liquid interface will be determined. This will result in the identification of the limiting reaction steps at the interface which will allow for tailored design of photoelectrodes. We focus on the Fe2O3–water system due to its abundance, costs, and PEC properties, but also because of its benchmark character. The approach can be transferred to other electrochemical interfaces.

Project Details


Call 2016

Call Topic

Integrated computational materials engineering (ICME)

Project start


Project end


Total project costs

495.000 €

Total project funding

495.000 €


1 - 3


Dr. Anja Bieberle-Hütter

FOM Institute DIFFER, De Zaale 20, 5612 AJ Eindhoven, Netherlands

Partners and Funders Details

Consortium Partner   Country Funder
FOM Institute DIFFER
Research org. Netherlands NL-NWO
Universidad Pablo de Olavide
University Spain ES-MINECO
TU Delft
University Netherlands No Funding
Wroclaw University of Technology
University Poland PL-NCN


multiscale, modelling, photo catalytic water splitting, electrochemistry, material design, simulations, electrochemical interface