Integrated-optical detection of volatile organic compounds using functional polymer coatings - COLODOR

Project summary

Quantitative detection of volatile organic compounds (VOCs) is highly relevant for a wide range of applications. COLODOR tackles the need for compact VOC detection systems by proposing a new optical multi-parameter gas sensor concept that relies on dye doped polymers. The key objectives are: • Research on these novel sensing materials and their local deposition on a sensor chip • Realization of a self-contained photonic gas sensor chip • Proof of the optical VOC sensing principle and evaluation of the sensor performance The concept enables a small form factor, operation at room temperature and low power consumption. The project puts an emphasis on compatibility with cost-effective mass fabrication technologies to ensure a smooth transfer of the results to commercial products. This is reflected by the participation of three companies in charge of the photonic chip, the polymer deposition, and the validation of the sensing concept with respect to a cooking related target application.

Project Details


Call 2015

Call Topic

New Surfaces and Coatings

Project start


Project end


Total project costs

1.608.623 €

Total project funding

932.821 €




Dr. Rainer Hainberger

AIT Austrian Institute of Technology GmbH, Donau-City-Str. 1, 1220 Vienna, Austria

Partners and Funders Details

Consortium Partner   Country Funder
AIT Austrian Institute of Technology GmbH
Research org. Austria AT-FFG
ams AG
Large industry Austria AT-FFG
Fraunhofer-Einrichtung für Modulare Festkörper-Technologien EMFT
Research org. Germany DE-VDI-TZ
Philips Austria GmbH
Large industry Austria AT-FFG
Scienion AG


sensor materials, dyes, gas sensors, optical sensors, polymer matrix, VOC detection, silicon photonics