MetrologY at the Nanoscale with Diamonds - MYND

Project summary

The Magnetometry on the Nanoscale with Diamonds (MyND) project seeks to improve sensors based on nitrogen vacancy (NV) defect centres in diamonds by through new theoretical insights and by the application of novel techniques to magnetic field imaging. These insights will be subsequently applied to generating new knowledge about oxygen sensing and the behaviour of singlet oxygen in SiO2 matrices as well as to opening up a new window on research about the fluid- and magneto-dynamics of self-directed magnetic microdevices. The result of the project will be new scientific understanding of NV centre physics that will improve sensing, in particular of magnetic fields, but also of temperature and pressure. The knowledge gained has the potential to open new technologies (e.g., novel oxygen sensors) and improve other technological fields (e.g., manufacture of magnetic nanoparticles and development of self-propelled microdevices).

Project Details


Call 2014

Call Topic

Functional Materials Focusing on Sensors

Project start


Project end


Total project costs

309.968 €

Total project funding

309.968 €




Dr. Ruvin Ferber

Laser Centre of the University of Latvia, Rainis Boulevard 19, LV-1586 Riga, Latvia

Partners and Funders Details

Consortium Partner   Country Funder
Laser Centre of the University of Latvia
University Latvia LV-VIAA
Center for Physical Sciences and Technology
Research org. Lithuania LT-RCL
Institute for Solid State Physics
Research org. Latvia LV-VIAA


modelling, nanotechnology, photonics, sensors, surface/interface properties