Name of Funding agency
The Research Council of Norway
Geographical coverage (national/regional)
Name of the programme/initiative
· Nanotechnology, Microtechnology and Advanced Materials · Industry and services · Energy
Programme owner
The Research Council of Norway
Program manager (executing funding organisation)
The Research Council of Norway
Contact person(s) (e-mail, tel.)

Lenka Hannevold


Phone: +47 98 23 04 53

Funding commitment
3 700 000 € Depending on the volume of submitted and eligible projects, up to 25 % additional funding may be allocated to the call to fund additional projects on the ranking list.
Anticipated number of fundable research partners


Maximum funding per grant awarded to a partner

Maximum budget pr. Norwegian partner is 450 000 €

Total budget for Norwegian partners in a single project is 500 000 €

Type of research eligible for funding: eligible TRL range

TRL 2-6

Funding rates (approx.)

The budget for the Norwegian partners shall follow RCN cost model and RCN regulations: Budget (RCN)

The aided part of the research and development project is set by the State Aid Rules and must fall within the categories “industrial research” or "experimental development”. The aid is assessed to fall within, and must only be used in accordance with, the EU's Block Exemption Regulation Article 25(Commission Regulation (EU) No. 651/2014). Undertakings that fall under the state aid regulations' definition of "undertaking in difficulty" cannot receive support from the Research Council. For more information see: State aid. In this call undertakings can apply for maximum funding up to 50 per cent of the costs in the project. Norwegian project partners will sign a separate contract with the RCN. The currency in the Norwegian contracts will be in NOK to avoid currency risk. The currency exchange rate applied is from the pre-proposal deadline date (13th May 2025). The participation must follow RCN’s General Terms and Conditions for R&D Projects.

Major eligibility criteria (e.g. types of organisations, thematic restriction, cost types and caps)

The participation of a Norwegian industrial partner is required for the following topics: 

-          Innovative surfaces, coatings and interfaces  

-          Advanced composites and lightweight materials 

-          Functional materials  

-          Materials addressing environmental challenges 

-          Next generation materials for electronics 


The participation of a Norwegian industrial partner is strongly encouraged for the following topic:

-          Sustainable materials for energy applications  


A minimum of 10% of person-months (PM) from the Norwegian partners' PM effort must be allocated to industrial partner(s).


Pre-proposals with industrial participation may be prioritized when assessing which applications progress from stage 1 to stage 2.


Eligible Norwegian partners:

Undertakings that carry out economic activity in Norway and have been issued an enterprise number under the Norwegian Register of Business Enterprises.

Submission of the proposal at national/regional level (schedule, cut-off dates, deadlines, etc.)


Submission of financial and scientific reports at the national/regional level

Yes, conforming with the contract agreement