Basque Country (Spain): EJ-GV
Judith De Prado Olivenza / Catalina Chamorro Silgado /
+34 944 209 488 / +34 945 018 210
No limit
250.000€ funding per beneficiary and per year
TRL: 4 - 7
Up to 45% of eligible costs in the case of Industrial research and up to 30% in the case of experimental development. Maximum amount of funding: 250,000€ funding per beneficiary and per year. Minimum annual budget for a Basque company: 50.000 € to be eligible
Beneficiaries: Small, medium and large companies and company associations. Research centers, universities and public entities only if subcontracted by the beneficiaries.
Type of research eligible for funding: Industrial research and experimental development.
Thematic restriction and other remarks: Proposals must fit within Basque Country's strategic specialization areas defined in the PCTI 2030: smart industry, cleaner energies,personalisedhealthcare, healthy food, eco-innovation,sustainable cities,creative Basque Country
Basque partners must submit the proposal (in Spanish or Basque) to the regional programme in 2025call. Deadlines are defined yearly.
During the first trimester (1st January – 31th Marchaprox)