BELGIUM: SPW recherche
Name of Funding agency
Service public de Wallonie
Geographical coverage (national/regional)
Regional (Wallonia)
Programme website
Program manager (executing funding organisation)
Jean-François HEUSE, inspecteur général
Contact person(s) (e-mail, tel.)
Pierre DEMOITIÉ | | 32 81 33 45 40
Funding commitment
1.000.000 €
Type of research eligible for funding: eligible TRL range
3 - 6
Funding rates (approx.)
Between 60 and 100% depending from the beneficiaries
Major eligibility criteria (e.g. types of organisations, thematic restriction, cost types and caps)
There is no restriction but at least one Walloon SME must be in the consortium.
Submission of the proposal at national/regional level (schedule, cut-off dates, deadlines, etc.)
Same as the ERAnet calls
Submission of financial and scientific reports at the national/regional level
Yes (every 6 months); submitted online (Walloon ONTIME tool)
Further guidance