Slovenia: MVZI
4 projects with SI participants
300.000,00 EUR (100.000,00 EUR/year)
Fundamental or applied research. TRL 1-6 (activities of the Slovenian partner)
The type of research conducted by Slovenian researchers must be defined and explained in the project proposal.
- 100 % for research organization (such as universities, public and private research institutes) whose financed activity is non-economic in accordance with the provisions of Community Framework for State Aid for Research and Development and Innovation. Wide dissemination of all research results on a non-exclusive and non-discriminatory basis is required.
- For research organizations whose financed activity is economic in accordance with the provisions of Community Framework for State Aid for Research and Development and Innovation the provisions of the Community Framework for State Aid for Research and Development and Innovation (OJ EU C 198, 27. 6. 2014) and the national scheme for state aid in Research and Development (Program sodelovalnih raziskovalno-razvojnih in drugih projektov, ki so predmet državnih pomoči Ministrstva za izobrazevanje, znanost in sport 2022-2030), applies.
Maximumfunding percentages:
Type of research |
Large Enterprises |
MediumEnterprises |
SmallEnterprises |
Fundamental Research |
100 % |
100 % |
100 % |
AppliedResearch |
65 % |
75 % |
80 % |
Eligibility of a partner as a beneficiary institution: Research organizations as defined in the national Scientific Research and Innovation Activities Act (Zakon o znanstvenoraziskovalni in inovacijski dejavnosti (Uradni list RS, št. 186/21)). All participating institutions have to be registered in the Slovenian Research Agency register of research institutions (Informacijski sistem o raziskovalni dejavnosti v Sloveniji -SICRIS).
Eligibility of principal investigator and other research team members: The project activities of every Slovenian partner have to be under the supervision of the primary investigator/primary researcher who fulfills the requirements for project leader as defined in Art. 63 of the national Scientific Research and Innovation Activities Act (Zakon o znanstvenoraziskovalni in inovacijski dejavnosti (Uradni list RS, št. 186/21)). The criteria are further determined in the Rules on the Criteria for Establishing Compliance with the Conditions for being the Head of a Research Project (Kriteriji za ugotavljanje izpolnjevanja izkazovanja mednarodno primerljivih raziskovalnih rezultatov in obdobje zajema mednarodno primerljivih raziskovalnih rezultatov za vodjo raziskovalnega projekta in programa). All participating researchers have to be registered in the Slovenian Research Agency register of researchers (Sicris) and must have available research hours.
Total requested funding per project: for all Slovenian partners within one consortium must not exceed 100.000,00 EUR per year (300.000,00 EUR for the total project duration of 36 months).
Eligibility of costs: MIZS will fund all eligible costs of successful Slovenian transnational projects, recommended for funding, in accordance with the Decree on the scientific research funding from the budget of the Republic of Slovenia (Uredba o financiranju znanstvenoraziskovalne dejavnosti
iz Proračuna Republike Slovenije (Uradni list RS, št. 35/22 in 144/22)).
Providing the stipulated conditions are met, the Public Procurement Act (Zakon o javnem naročanju (Uradni list RS, št. 91/15, 14/18, 121/21, 10/22, 74/22 – odl. US in 100/22 – ZNUZSZS)) applies.
This call is suitable for implementing Article 64 of the Scientific Research and Innovation Activities Act (Zakon o znanstvenoraziskovalni in inovacijski dejavnosti (ZZrID) (Uradni list RS, št. 186/21)).
Period of eligibility of public expenditures: as of budgetary year 2025 until the end of the budgetary year 2027.
Period of eligibility of expenditures on the project: From the starting date of the transnational project stipulated in the consortium agreement for a period of 36 months, with a prescribed additional 30 day period for the payment of invoices related to the project costs. The period of eligibility of expenditures on the project can only start from the date the national contract enters into effect. The exact duration of the project will be defined in the contract between MVZI and the selected Slovenian partner, after the consortium agreement between the selected consortium partners enters into force.
According to the timeline of transnational joint call.
No additional national proposal is needed in the pre- or full proposal phase.
National contracting negotiationswill commence after the projects are selected for funding on the level of the transnational call. National documentation, including evidence of the starting date of the transnational project (in the form of a Consortia Agreement or statement on the starting date by the transnational project coordinator), will be a prerequisite for signing the contract on national level.
Every year
All Slovenian applicants are strongly advised to contact the Slovenian National Contact Person.
All Slovenian applicants must refer to the guidelines for Slovenian applicants published on the webpage:
Legal basis – national regulation
State Administration Act (Zakon o državni upravi (Uradni list RS, št. 113/05 – uradno prečiščeno besedilo, 89/07 – odl. US, 126/07 – ZUP-E, 48/09, 8/10 – ZUP-G, 8/12 – ZVRS-F, 21/12, 47/13, 12/14, 90/14, 51/16, 36/21, 82/21, 189/21, 153/22 in 18/23)) - Article 16 and 39; Public Finance Act (Zakon o javnih financah (Uradni list RS, št. 11/11 – uradno prečiščeno besedilo, 14/13 – popr., 101/13, 55/15 – ZFisP, 96/15 – ZIPRS1617, 13/18, 195/20 – odl. US in 18/23 – ZDU-1O))) - Article 106. j; Regulation on the procedure of standards and manners to allocate means for the promotion of the evolutional programme and the preferential tasks (Uredba o postopku, merilih in načinih dodeljevanja sredstev za spodbujanje razvojnih programov in prednostnih nalog (Uradni list RS, št. 56/11)); Implementation of the Republic of Slovenia’s Budget for 2022 and 2023 Act (Zakon o izvrševanju proračunov Republike Slovenije za leti 2022 in 2023 (Uradni list RS, št. 187/21, 206/21 – ZDUPŠOP, 129/22, 140/22 – ZSDH-1A in 150/22 – ZIPRS2324))); Intergrity and Prevention of Corruption Act (Zakon o integriteti in preprečevanju korupcije (Uradni list RS, št. 69/11 – uradno prečiščeno besedilo, 158/20 in 3/22 – ZDeb)); Resolution on the Slovenian Scientific Research and Innovation Strategy 2030 (Resolucija o znanstvenoraziskovalni in inovacijski strategiji Slovenije 2030 (Uradni list RS, št. 49/22)); Decree on the scientific research funding from the budget of the Republic of Slovenia (Uredba o financiranju znanstevnoraziskovalne dejavnosti iz Proračuna Republike Slovenije (Uradni list RS, št. 35/22 in 144/22)), Rules on criteria for establishing compliance with the conditions for being the head of a research project (Pravilnik o kriterijih za ugotavljanje izpolnjevanja pogojev za vodjo raziskovalnega projekta, Uradni list RS št. 53/16 in 186/21 – ZZrID); Community Framework for State Aid for Research and Development and 108 Innovation the provisions of the Community Framework for State Aid for Research and Development and Innovation (OJ EU C 198, 27. 6. 2014) (Okvir za državno pomoč za raziskave in razvoj ter inovacije (2014/C 198/01)); National scheme for state aid in Research and Development (Program sodelovalnih raziskovalno-razvojnih in drugih projektov, ki so predmet državnih pomoči Ministrstva za izobrazevanje, znanost in sport 2022-2030); National strategy of open access to scientific publications and research data in Slovenia 2015-2020 (Nacionalna strategije odprtega dostopa do znanstvenih objav in raziskovalnih podatkov v Sloveniji 2015-2020, št. 60300-5/2015/5 z dne 3. 9. 2015).