Joint Call 2023

Results Call 2023

382 pre-proposals were submitted, requesting around 362 Mio EUR funding in total. 110 pre-proposals were recommended for a full-proposal submission. 109 full-proposals were submitted. 101 full-proposals passed the full-proposal evaluation, requesting around 103 Mio EUR funding.

Thanks to substantial budget increases by many participating funding organisations, finally 43 full-proposals are selected for funding with 205 participants requesting 44 Mio EUR funding.



Results of the M-ERA.NET Call 2023

List of funded projects from Call 2023

Announcement of the M-ERA.NET CALL 2023

The M-ERA.NET Call 2023 is launched on 1 March 2023. More than 30 funding agencies participate with an indicative budget of more than 40 million €.

Call Schedule:

  • The Pre-Proposal Deadline is 16 May 2023, 12:00 noon, Brussels time.
  • The Full-Proposal Deadline is 21 November 2023, 12:00 noon, Brussels time

The aim is to fund ambitious transnational RTD projects addressing materials research and innovation including materials for batteries and low carbon energy technologies.

The Call 2023 includes the following thematic areas:

  • Sustainable advanced materials for energy
  • Innovative surfaces, coatings and interfaces
  • High performance composites
  • Functional materials
  • Advanced materials and technologies for health applications
  • Next generation materials for advanced electronics

Proposal Submission

The proposal submission is closed.

Call documents for download:

Final reporting documents


  • Guide for proposer -   main document (updated version 1.6 as of September 2023) 
    and Annex A to guide for proposers  (national / regional regulations)
  • FAQ (updated version 1.1, as of September 2023)
  • Mandatory Pre-Proposal form
  • Mandatory Full-Proposal form and mandatory Annex 1 to Full-Proposal form

Partner search

M-ERA.NET provides a Partner Search Facility.

The EEN (Enterprise Europe Network) offers a general partner search tool.

Call information material