
M-ERA.NET  Conference  “Advanced Materials & Battery Technologies for a Sustainable Future"     1-2 April 2025 | Dresden, Germany
M-ERA.NET Call 2021 success stories: enabling innovation through collaborative projects

The M-ERA.NET network is preparing a conference dedicated to the 70 transnational projects funded under the Call 2021.

The audience will comprise representatives of Call 2021 co-funded projects, the funders, as well as additional stakeholders from European networks and initiatives. The projects‘ progress and research results will be presented in talks and posters.

The conference is planned as a physical on-site event with 200 seats in the Elbflorenz Dresden Hotel in Dresden, Germany, and will last two half-days. Additional online-meetings will be facilitated for 1 month after the on-site conference via a matchmaking tool, allowing an additional audience of 300 persons with the aim to enhance the networking between the funded research groups and other stakeholders.

The conference will feature both poster sessions and parallel oral sessions sorted by topic to showcase the successful projects. There will be over 25 posters be exhibited and over 35 pitches on various topics, so you will always be up to date. 

In the both plenary session, the current activities in advanced materials and battery technologies will be outlined. 

During these two half days you will be kept up to date on the following sessions:

  • Advances in Solid State Batteries
  • Materials innovation adressing challenges in specific diseases
  • Materials development and modelling supporting the Green Deal
  • Advanced materials and coatings for health care and energy efficiency
  • New approaches for improving Li-ion- and next generation batteries
  • Advances in additive manufacturing and composites
  • Materials developments adressing SDG 7 and 9
  • New strategies for advanced material-based technologies for health applications

At the evening program you will be introduced to Saxon culture and have the opportunity to exchange ideas with each other.

More details are shown in the overview agenda .  An  interactive agenda is displayed on the conference website.

Additional online-networking will be facilitated for 1 month after the on-site conference via a matchmaking tool, allowing an additional audience of 300 persons with the aim to enhance the networking between the funded research groups and other stakeholders. If you want to participate in these online-meetings only, please register as „remote“ participant.

The public  registration  is open now! The organisers pay attention to the country distribution of the participants. There may therefore be delays in confirming participation.

You will find the website for the event here.


Hotel Elbflorenz at the World Trade Center

Rosenstraße 36

01067 Dresden, Germany


More information about funded projects can be found in the M-ERA.NET Project data base Materipedia