
TR: Turkey  TÜBITAK - Scientific and Technological Research Council of Turkey

The Scientific and Technological Research Council of Turkey (TÜBİTAK), which was established in 1963, is a public body in charge of promoting, developing, organizing, conducting and coordinating research and development in Turkey. TÜBİTAK operates as the main advisory institution to the Turkish Government on scientific and technological issues. More than 4.000 researchers work in 20 research institutes and do perform research actively. At the same time, TÜBİTAK supports research and innovation projects carried out in universities and other public or private bodies. It publishes scientific journals, public scientific magazines, and scientific works. In addition, it supports scientific mobility and student fellowships. Turkey has been associated to the EU Framework Programmes (EU FPs) since the beginning of the FP6 onwards and TÜBİTAK currently holds the national coordination of Horizon 2020, garnering a substantial 16 years of EU FP association experience in Turkey. Last but not least, TÜBİTAK and its research institutes have involved in around 70 projects funded under Horizon 2020 Programme.