
PL: Poland  NCBR - Nardowe Centrum Badań i Rozowoju

The National Centre for Research and Development (NCBR) was established in the summer of 2007 as an executive agency of the Ministry of Science and Higher Education. At present, NCBR is the largest R&D funding agency in Central and Eastern Europe with an average annual budget to the tune of EUR 1,3 bn. For more than 17 years NCBR has played a pivotal role in bridging the gap between public and private R&D&I funding in Poland.

NCBR funds applied research, supports commercialisation and technology transfer from academia to industry, offering a wide range of national and international R&D&I funding tools. NCBR’s key strength therefore lies in its wide programme portfolio covering all kinds of research and all possible technologies. Our programmes can be mainly divided into strategic, domestic, security and defence, EU-funded operational programmes and international programmes directed at business and research organisations.

With foreign cooperation as one of its statutory tasks, NCBR has long been involved in a variety of international programmes and boasts a broad international scope of activities. The majority of these are EU-funded programmes under Horizon Europe where NCBR is responsible for organising calls for proposals in Poland. NCBR also boasts 10+ bilateral MoUs signed with equivalent agencies or Ministries across the globe. As a result, NCBR’s R&D&I collaboration spans from the US through Turkey to People’s Republic of China, Japan, South Corea and Taiwan.


PL: Poland  NCN - National Science Centre

The National Science Centre (Narodowe Centrum Nauki, NCN) is a Polish government executive agency set up in 2010 to fund basic research. The primary task of the Centre is to support research projects. The Centre fulfils its duties by catering for the needs of researchers at every stage of their research career and with different degrees of expertise. It finances basic research carried out in the form research projects, scholarships for PhD students and post-doc internships. To ensure the excellent quality of the research selected for funding, the Centre has adopted a two-stage, peer review-based procedure of proposal evaluation. One important task of the Centre is to foster international cooperation in research and disseminate information on calls for proposals among researchers. The NCN also supports and monitors the progress of research projects financed under its funding opportunities through review and examination of annual and final reports, as well as on-site visits to selected host institutions.