
LU: Luxembourg FNR - National Fund for Research

The Luxembourg National Research Fund (FNR) is the main funder of research activities in Luxembourg.
We, FNR invest public funds and private donations into research projects in various branches of science and the humanities, with an emphasis on selected core strategic areas. Furthermore, we support and coordinate activities to strengthen the link between science and society and to raise awareness for research. We also advise the Luxembourg government on research policy and strategy.
The FNR aims to be a driving force for Luxembourg’s innovation capabilities and focuses on the following three strategic objectives to foster research with impact.

  1. Attaining scientific leadership in key areas: By setting the highest quality standards, we contribute to establishing international research excellence in Luxembourg. By attracting and training the most talented scientists, we help to build critical mass in key research areas, thereby supporting economic development and societal progress.
  2. Turning public research into a competitive advantage for Luxembourg: We support the advancement of Luxembourg’s knowledge-based economy by supporting industry-informed research, by reinforcing co-operation between public research and innovative industries and by facilitating the commercial
    exploitation of research results.
  3. Anchoring science and research in society: We promote the active involvement of researchers and scientists in addressing current and future societal challenges. To ensure that research is established sustainably in the public consciousness as an important pillar of Luxembourg’s knowledge society, we
    support an active exchange between scientists and the public at large. 

 A multi-annual contract between the FNR and the Government (Contract, concluded with the Ministry of Higher Education and Research) sets the budgetary frame for the well-defined short- and long-term objectives. For the implementation of the activities covered by this agreement, the Government authorises the FNR to make commitments up to an overall ceiling of 445 MEUR for the period 2022-2025.

The budget allocation enables the FNR to implement its three strategic objectives, which are:

  •  Strengthen the foundation of public research
  • Contribute to shaping the future of Luxembourg
  • Promote innovation in public research organisation 

 The FNR relies exclusively on independent peer review processes applying the internationally accepted quality standards when selecting which research projects to support.