
LV: Latvia  LZP - Latvia Council of Science

The Latvian Council of Science (LZP) is a direct administration institution subordinate to the Ministry of Education and Science. The main aim of LZP is to implement the state science, research, and technology development policy. Main activities of LZP are

  • providing scientific expertise of research projects;
  • implementation and supervision of national research programs and projects financed from the state budget, as well as from the European Union structural funds and other foreign financial instruments delegated in regulatory enactments;
  • promotion and coordination of international cooperation in the field of science and research;
  • strategic communication of science. 

In the context of promoting and coordination of international cooperation, LZP provides the NCP functions for Horizon Europe program, ensures participation in joint programs and joint technology initiatives stipulated in Article 185 and 187 of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union, EUREKA and COST programs, ERA-NET Cofund activities and European Partnerships (Biodiversity+, Innovative SMEs etc.), as well as financing and supervising projects in the fields of science and technological development.