
IE: Ireland Taighde Éireann-Research Ireland

Taighde Éireann - Research Ireland is Ireland’s new competitive research and innovation funding agency under the aegis of the Department of Further and Higher Education, Research, Innovation and Science. The new agency amalgamates the activities and functions of the Irish Research Council (IRC) and Science Foundation Ireland (SFI) and will capitalise on the recognised strengths of these two former agencies in driving world class research and innovation in Ireland. The agency will develop national capacity to respond to major societal challenges, such as the green and digital transitions, using integrated approaches from scientific, behavioural, economic, and cultural perspectives. Research Ireland under its International Division brings forward significant experience in transnational programmes including participation in several ERA-NETs and co-funded European Partnerships. In addition, SFI and the IRC alongside other key national agencies delivered a coordinated national Rapid Response Research and Innovation Programme in 2020 to mobilise a significant research effort in better understanding, mitigating and recovering from  the COVID-19 pandemic.