
EE: Estonia  ETAg - Estonian Research Council

The Estonian Research Council (Eesti Teadusagentuur, ETAg), established on the 1st of March 2012 is a successor of the Estonian Science Foundation (Eesti Teadusfond, ETF). The Council is a private body fulfilling public functions, responsible to the Ministry of Education and Research. ETAg keeps its predecessor’s, in 1990 established the Estonian Science Foundation’s expertize as a research funding organisation with the main goal to support the most promising high level science excellency research initiatives in all fields of basic and applied research including humanities and social sciences and to use state budget appropriations to award peer-reviewed research grants on a competitive basis.
Council facilitates Estonian researchers' international collaboration. Estonian Research Council is responsible for cooperation with Science Europe, participation in Article 185 (BONUS), ERA-NETs (BiodivERsA, ERA-CAPS, NORFACE, WaterWorks, TRANSCAN etc.), and international bi- and multinational cooperation programmes. It has acted as a National Contact Point (NCP) in Framework Programmes and acts as the NCP in Horizon 2020, coordinates participation in the COST network and offering counselling of mobile researchers through the EURAXESS network.