
EE: Estonia  ETAG - Estonian Research Council

The Estonian Research Council (Eesti Teadusagentuur, ETAG), established on the 1st of March 2012 is a private body fulfilling public functions, responsible to the Ministry of Education and Research. ETAG is a research funding organisation with the main goal to support the most promising high level science excellency research initiatives in all fields of basic and applied research including humanities and social sciences and to use state budget appropriations to award peer-reviewed research grants on a competitive basis.

ETAG contributes to the development of research and development activities through cooperation on several levels. On the one hand, we bring together national and foreign research networks and promote the mobility of researchers. On the other hand, we support a closer connection between science and society by encouraging cooperation between the state, local governments, the third sector, business and educational institutions.

We act as the National Contact Point organisation for EU Framework programmes.

We coordinate Estonian participation in the COST network and counselling of mobile researchers through the EURAXESS network.

We are responsible for coordination of ERA-NET and partnerships, as well as other international bi- and multinational cooperation programmes (EEA Baltic Research Programme, NordForsk, PARROT French-Estonian science and technology cooperation programme, Taiwan and Estonia cooperation programme, JSPS (Japanese Society for Promotion of Science) Postdoctoral Fellowship for Research in Japan)

We provide Project preparation assistance to recognize and stimulate in Estonia the quality of the projects H2020, Horizon Europe and COST to apply for funding, and to promote cooperation between the three Baltic States

We participate in the work of the Science Europe network and mediate information between Brussels institutions and Estonia through the ETAG Brussels office.