Czech Republic
CZ: Czech Republic TA CR – Technology agency of the Czech Republic
TA CR is the key research funding organization (RFO) for the applied research, development and innovation in the Czech Republic. The Agency is a national public authority established by the Act on the Support of Research and Development (Act. No. 130/2002 coll.) in 2009. TA CR is the main applied research and development funding organization in the Czech Republic.
As RFO TA CR prepares, manages and administrates programmes of applied research, experimental development and innovation. Among TA CR partners and stakeholders relevant for the programmes preparation are other ministries and their governmental departments, national public authorities, professional associations and chambers and many more. Among project beneficiaries are research organizations, university research departments and institutions as well as companies in the private sector. The Agency has been trying to play an active role on international scene. It is part of TAFTIE - European Association of leading national innovation agencies and it is also involved in a number of Horizon 2020 and Horizon Europe projects.