AT: Austria FFG - Austrian Research Promotion Agency
The Austrian Research Promotion Agency supports industrial research, development and innovation in Austria. It operates a total budget worth more than 500 Mio. Euro. Founded in 2004, FFG realises four main kinds of programmes:
- General Programmes support high-quality bottom up industrial projects open to all fields of technology and free of constraints through tender submission deadlines.
- Structural Programmes optimise the structures of the Austrian innovation system by developing new forms of co-operation, building expertise and knowledge and improving competencies in science and economy.
- Thematic Programmes set national thematic priorities, optimise and standardise the processes of implementation.
- European and International Programmes are the centre of competence and the “hub” as regards encouraging participation in international research and development activities.
FFG also incorporates an Aeronautics and Space Agency, which implements the Austrian aeronautics and space policy and represents Austria in the main international bodies in this field.
Furthermore, FFG carries out expertise for individuals and legal entities claiming the research premium, a tax benefit for R&D activities.
FFG is highly experienced and successful in project and process management. FFG has already coordinated large numbers of EU-projects in previous Framework Programmes, and several ERA-NET Cofund actions.